WGS.274 Images of Asian Women: Dragon Ladies and Lotus Blossoms


same subject as 21A.141, 21G.048
Units: 3-0-9
Thursdays 1:00-4:00PM

Explores some of the forces and mechanisms through which stereotypes are built and perpetuated. In particular, examines stereotypes associated with Asian women in colonial, nationalist, state-authoritarian, and global/diasporic narratives about gender and power. Students read ethnography, fiction, and history, and view films to examine the politics and circumstances that create and perpetuate the representation of Asian women as dragon ladies, lotus blossoms, despotic tyrants, desexualized servants, and docile subordinates. Students are introduced to debates about Orientalism, gender, and power.

Manduhai Buyandelger


WGS.255 Gender, Myth, and Magic


WGS.277 D-Lab: Gender and Development